Mixed Roots Fest 2014 Coloring Book: Are you in?

familydaysmallerstill-resizedWe thought it would be fun to create a coloring book of Mixed Roots families that will be used at the Mixed Roots Fest family event June 14, 2014.  Send us your mixed roots photo of families or individuals and we’ll turn the photo into a coloring book page.  Email your photo to mixedrootsfest(at)gmail(dot)com.  We’ll include as many photos as possible! (And please help spread the word!)

Mixed Roots Fest 2014: June 14, 2014

mixedrootslogo_final-01It’s official!  Mixed Roots Fest 2014 will be held June 14, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA.  Submissions are now open!  Please help spread the word.

Kid’s React to Biracial Cheerio’s Ad

2013-06-18 15.42.16Their reaction was essentially: what’s the big deal! Love it!–Heidi Durrow

Kids’ Books about Mixed Roots

Photo by Russell Kitagawa

Leslie Ryan & Mixed Roots Fest Founder Heidi Durrow
Photo by Russell Kitagawa

We love these two writers and their kids’ books about Mixed Roots.  Check them out: Leslie Ryan’s I Am Flippish and Heidi Cole’s Am I a Color Too?

Hello world!

2013-06-19 07.08.21Learn all about upcoming events and all things mixed roots here.  Subscribe t our blog!